Posts in Politics
Google Fires Employees for Protesting $1.2B Deal with israel

Thomas Barrabi, reporting for The New York Post:

The protesters have demanded that Google pull out of a $1.2 billion “Project Nimbus” contract — in which Google Cloud and Amazon Web Services provide cloud-computing and artificial intelligence services for the Israeli government and military.

Critics at the company raised concerns that the technology would be weaponized against Palestinians in Gaza.


“This evening, Google indiscriminately fired 28 workers, including those among us who did not directly participate in yesterday’s historic, bicoastal 10-hour sit-in protests,” the workers said in the statement.


“This flagrant act of retaliation is a clear indication that Google values its $1.2 billion contract with the genocidal Israeli government and military more than its own workers — the ones who create real value for executives and shareholders.”

Fuck israel (an illegitimate country made up of land gifted by actual world powers to the biggest losers of any war in history, who now want to act like big shots).

Oh and also, fuck these google execs. Eat the rich.

On Iran and israel

From CNN’s coverage of the conflict in the middle east:

Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Monday the US has spent the past 36 hours “coordinating a diplomatic response to seek to prevent escalation” following a retaliatory Iranian attack on Israel this weekend.

“Strength and wisdom need to be different sides of the same coin,” Blinken said in a seemingly implicit call for Israel to exercise restraint in its response. Blinken noted he has been in contact with counterparts in the region “and will continue to do so in the hours and days ahead.”

“We don’t seek escalation but will continue to support the defense of Israel and protect our personnel in the region,” Blinken said in his first public comments about the attack this weekend.

Why? We shouldn’t. They attacked another country’s sovereign territory, we defended them completely (for some reason) when that country shot back, and now they act like they’re the tough guys, even though they always come crying to daddy for more money.

As CNN reported, President Joe Biden told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that the US would not participate in offensive moves against Iran.


But, he added that "what this weekend demonstrated is that Israel did not have to and does not have to defend itself alone when it is the victim of aggression, the victim of an attack."

Couldn’t care less.

israel is a shit ally and an illegitimate nation, and we shouldn’t support them in any way, much less continuing to support their arrogant, dehumanizing, dictatorial antagonization of their neighbors.

This all really makes me wonder why the U.S. (or any developed nation) cares so much. Can we just hurry up with the transition to clean energy and leave the caveboys to fight in the sandbox alone? The whole conflict, for decades if not centuries, has been a waste of the world’s time.

A Potentially Fatal Floridian Flaw

Patricia Mazzei, for The New York Times:

The Florida Supreme Court overturned decades of legal precedent on Monday in ruling that the State Constitution’s privacy protections do not extend to abortion, effectively allowing Florida to ban the procedure after six weeks of pregnancy.

But in a separate decision released at the same time, the justices allowed Florida voters to decide this fall whether to expand abortion access. The court ruled 4 to 3 that a proposed constitutional amendment that would guarantee the right to abortion “before viability,” usually around 24 weeks, could go on the November ballot.

Florida taking away people’s rights isn’t the interesting part here: the thing to watch is the ballot measure that could guarantee abortion access in the state. Across the country, abortion access has consistently driven turnout, even in very red states. The fact that this is on the ballot this fall should be a boon to democrats. There’s no way to know if it will be enough, but coupled with the fact that Florida also has a ballot initiative to legalize recreation marijuana… Man, wouldn’t it just be delectable if Trump lost the election (again) because his home state of Florida (shout to to DeSanctimonious, who seems like the biggest high-heel-wearing loser in the country) voted to legalize weed and protect abortion access after his stacked court overturned Roe.

Police Display Dangerously Inept Use of Premature Technology, Shocker

Jennifer Henderson, reporting for CNN:

Porcha Woodruff, 32, was home around 8 a.m. on February 16, helping her 6- and 12-year-olds get ready for school when six Detroit police officers arrived at her door with an arrest warrant for carjacking and robbery, the complaint states.

“Are you kidding, carjacking? Do you see that I am eight months pregnant?” she asked them, the lawsuits says. Still, she was handcuffed, taken to jail and booked, it states.

Woodruff later learned she was implicated in the alleged incident after the facial recognition software hit as well as the carjacking victim allegedly identified her in a lineup of six photos that included her mugshot from a 2015 arrest, the complaint states. Police had access to her current driver’s license photo issued in 2021, but used the older photo, according to the complaint.

This is seriously concerning, especially for black people. We know that police officers go out of their way to respect the rights of black Americans /s, but photography companies have long been biased towards taking photos of white people, often making black people appear far too dark and featureless in photographs, which necessarily makes artificial intelligence models less capable of identifying them accurately in images.

Aside from that, ALL citizens of the world should have strong concerns about governments using technology like this for law enforcement purposes. It’s chillingly dystopian.

Russia Tries to Buy Weapons from Turkey, Which Is Somehow Still a NATO Member State

Zachary Cohen and Jennifer Hansler, reporting for CNN:

Russian paramilitary group fighting in Ukraine on behalf of Vladimir Putin attempted to buy weapons and equipment from an unlikely source: NATO member Turkey, according to a leaked US intleaked US intelligence document that was obtained by CNN.

Does this surprise anyone? Of course it was Turkey. Why are they still in NATO? They been antagonistic towards the democratic goals of the rest of the NATO members for years. Fuck Turkey, and fuck the fascistic piece of shit Erdogan.

Former Arkansas Governor Launching Republican Presidential Campaign

Veronica Stracqualursi, Gregory Krieg, and Kaanita Iyer, reporting for CNN:

Former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson has announced that he’s running for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, launching a challenge to former President Donald Trump, who remains the front-runner despite his looming criminal indictment.

“I’m convinced that people want leaders that appeal to the best of America, and not simply appeal to our worst instincts,” Hutchinson, 72, said in an interview on ABC News that aired Sunday. He will make a formal announcement on April 26 in his hometown of Bentonville, Arkansas, according to a news release.

I must admit this was unexpected.

But also: another white male septuagenarian, but this time from the state that gave us Walmart. Also worth noting, this dustbag endorsed Trump-admin alum Sarah Huckabee Sanders to replace him as Governor of Arkansas.

JUST what we all wanted. I’m sure he’ll impress us in the primaries and really capture that Republican base, which is so clearly tired of their politicians appealing to their worst instincts.

Donald Trump Unbanned from Facebook

ABC News:

Facebook parent Meta said Wednesday it will restore former President Donald Trump 's personal account in the coming weeks, ending a two-year suspension it imposed in the wake of the Jan. 6 insurrection.

Me, two years ago:

This is good news for now, but don’t count on the decision from this “independent oversight board”* to last for very long. I’d bet a thousand dollars that Zuckerberg comes up with some bullshit excuse to allow him back on the platform before 2023, and probably by the end of this year. The only thing that drives Zuck is profit, engagement drives profit, and Donald Trump drives engagement.

Missed it by 25 days.


Is Italy Okay?

Barbie Latza Nadeau, reporting for CNN:

Italians who use English and other foreign words in official communications could face fines of up to €100,000 ($108,705) under new legislation introduced by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s Brothers of Italy party.

Fabio Rampelli, a member of the lower chamber of deputies, introduced the legislation, which is supported by the prime minister.

While the legislation encompasses all foreign languages, it is particularly geared at “Anglomania” or use of English words, which the draft states “demeans and mortifies” the Italian language, adding that it is even worse because the UK is no longer part of the EU.


The move to safeguard the Italian language joins an existing bid by the government to protect the country’s cuisine.

It has introduced legislation to ban so-called synthetic or cell-based cuisine due to the lack of scientific studies on the effects of synthetic food, as well as “to safeguard our nation’s heritage and our agriculture based on the Mediterranean diet,” Meloni’s Health Minister Orazio Schillaci said in a press conference.

Italy on the fascism fast-track, what could go wrong?

Republicans Love Banning Books So Much They’re Taking a Stab at Banning Movies

Nicole Chavez and Justin Gamble, reporting for CNN:

A film about a Black first grader who integrated an all-White elementary school in the South is under review in a Florida school district after a parent objected to the movie[…]

Two weeks before the movie was shown to second graders at North Shore Elementary, permission forms were sent to the students’ parents along with a link to the “Ruby Bridges” trailer, Mascareñas said. The parent who filed the objection was among the two families that opted to not have their students watch the movie, she said. […]

The 1998 film’s screenwriter, Toni Ann Johnson:

“If children are old enough to be called the N-word and learn what it means, then it’s my opinion that second graders who are 7 and 8 years of age can and should begin to learn about the history of racism in this country,” Johnson said. 

Such a salient point. The people trying to prevent this movie from being shown are the same people whose parents were in school when Ruby Bridges was integrating William Frantz Elementary School, and their grandparents were the ones hurling slurs at a six-year-old girl.

It’s a truly succinct summary of the Republican Party’s evolution: a generation of outspoken and violent racists, followed by a generation of stereotype-prone assholes, followed by the generation who “just asks questions” and wants to “protect the children”.

The ignorance is unparalleled. If a six-year-old is old enough to be vilified like Ruby Bridges was for simply daring to go to school, then your fragile, tender eight-year-old babies are not too young to learn about the transgressions and atrocities their immediate relatives committed against her.

Trump's Most Fanatical Supporters Are Retiring

David Remnek, writing for The New Yorker:

It’s not even clear that the most vociferous of the pro-Trump groups such as the Proud Boys and the Three Percenters, which have endured intense investigation and legal charges for their roles in the Capitol insurrection, will be eager to take to the streets again in Trump’s name. Recently, Ali Alexander, one of the organizers of the Stop the Steal rallies that followed the 2020 election, posted on social media, “Previously, I had said if Trump was arrested or under the threat of a perp walk, 100,000 patriots should shut down all routes to Mar-a-Lago. Now, I’m retired. I’ll pray for him though!”

I suppose it’s difficult to maintain enthusiasm for your favorite criminal when he keeps losing elections.

Donald Trump Thinks He's Getting Arrested Tomorrow

What for you ask? Good question, the list of possible charges is pretty long.

From Emily Olson at NPR:

A quick refresher: Trump is currently facing at least five investigations, covering everything from his possession of classified documents to his role in the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

But the latest indictment rumors stem from just one of those probes: the one led by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

Bragg's office is examining whether Trump and his company broke state laws in paying hush money to adult film star Stephanie Clifford, better known as Stormy Daniels.

Daniels says she had a sexual encounter with Trump in 2006, a claim that Trump has repeatedly denied. But his company still paid $130,000 to the star in exchange for her silence during Trump's 2016 presidential campaign.

In 2018, a campaign finance investigation into that payment led Trump's longtime personal attorney Michael Cohen to plead guilty to federal charges. […]

Federal prosecutors have also said that it was Trump himself who directed Cohen to arrange the payments, meaning Trump could be held responsible for those false records.

Doesn’t sound great.

That said (and let me first remark that NO ONE is above the law; I’m not saying he shouldn’t be held accountable because of the political ramifications (what an odd sentence to type, but alas, we live in a political climate where 40% of voters are so throughly brainwashed by Facebook and Fox News that being a felon isn’t a disqualifier for presidential candidates)), I do wonder what the result of a possible arrest will be. My fear is that it could be easily weaponized by Trump to stoke fear and anger resulting in political violence, or that it could be capitalized upon by Ron DeSantis to put Trump’s campaign in the grave, cementing his spot as the Republican Presidential nominee frontrunner. And I’d much rather Biden face a rematch with a withered, resentful old Donald Trump than a much younger, more palatable but still extremist Ron DeSantis.

I’m torn between whether I’d rather see Trump on his perp walk pre-hair and makeup, or whether I’d rather see the orange spray tan/cheeto dust stained handcuffs after the fact.

Google Rejects Truth Social from Play Store

John Gruber, on Daring Fireball:

Interesting turn of events that it’s the Play Store that is being more strict about this than Apple’s App Store, where Truth Social has been available since February.

Not a good look for Apple, but seems difficult to walk back now without looking like they’re trying to mirror Google, which would surely be met with a cacophony of conservative outrage and accusations of cancel culture-fueled hypocrisy.

Florida Law Prevents Dictionaries from Being Donated to Public Schools

Mary Papenfuss, reporting for HuffPost (a source I usually disregard as being exceedingly liberal):

All book donations and purchases have been halted in the district for the rest of the year because the new law (HB 1467) requires books to be approved for suitability by state-certified media specialists, a job that doesn’t currently exist in the district.

DeSantis, who has signed laws that also restrict discussion of sexual orientation and gender identity in elementary school classrooms, has said HB 1467 will help prevent “indoctrination through the school system.”

The Sarasota district, which has nearly 45,000 students across 62 schools south of Tampa, ordered all principals last week to bar new books from school media centers and classroom libraries until at least January […]

[…] a member of the Venice Suncoast Rotary Club, told The Sarasota Herald-Tribune that the club has been donating dictionaries to district elementary schools for almost 15 years.

If there’s anything Florida needs more of, it’s goddamn books, especially dictionaries. Next time they (or Texas) threaten to secede, let them.

Facebook (Meta; whatever) Loses 25% of Their Value

This is the sort of story you love to see. From Deepa Seetharaman and Salvador Rodriguez at The Wall Street Journal (via Apple News+):

Meta shares plunged after the results were announced, dropping more than 20%. If shares dropped that much when trading opens on Thursday, it would wipe more than $175 billion from the tech giant’s market capitalization.

Quick update: the Journal’s story was published on the evening of Facebook’s report, before the market opened the next day. They ended up dropping slightly more than 25%, and they lost over $200B.

The company said it expected revenue growth to slow because users were spending less time on its more lucrative services. Meta cited inflation as a weight on advertiser spending and estimated that ad-tracking changes introduced by Apple Inc. last year would cost Meta some $10 billion this year. 

I bet Apple is happy about this. And they certainly should be. Their App Tracking Transparency policy wasn’t designed to cripple Mark Zuckerberg’s company, it was designed to give users a little more control over their data and prevent unwanted tracking. Facebook blaming Apple for the loss would be like a peeping tom blaming his victim for his blue balls when they finally close the curtains of the window he’s looking through. Merlin Mann put it well on Twitter (quipping about a particularly stupid framing of the issue by the New York Times):

“Local burglar blames revenue shortfall on industry-hostile doors.”

From the Journal again:

Meta also lost about a million daily users globally and stagnated in the U.S. and Canada, two of the company’s most profitable markets, the results show.

The fact that they’re losing users is a good sign, but it it shouldn’t take Facebook by surprise unless they’re so high on their own supply that they've completely isolated themselves in echo chambers reaffirming how much good they’re doing in the world (probably by means of Facebook groups). The global social media market is saturated, this plateauing shouldn’t come as a surprise, and Facebook acting like this caught them off guard is bullshit. They clearly did see it coming because they decided to refocus the whole business on personal porn theaters virtual reality goggles. We’ll see how that goes, but here’s to the next Google Glass.

I must say though, it pisses me off that Wall Street is gonna get the credit for finally dealing a significant blow to Facebook when those of us who have been paying attention have been screaming about how terrible they are for years. Fuck capitalism, fuck Facebook.


Only One Democrat Refused To Attend Vice President Harris’s Traditional Dinner For All Female Senators

Jasmine Wright and Veronica Stracqualursi, reporting for CNN:

Vice President Kamala Harris held a private dinner Tuesday night for the female US senators, a show of bipartisanship among a deeply divided Congress. 

It was the first known time that Harris hosted lawmakers in the vice-presidential residence at the Naval Observatory since moving in April, a process that was delayed due to renovations.

CNN previously reported that Harris had invited all 24 female senators -- 16 Democrats and eight Republicans.


The senators who attended included Tammy Baldwin, Marsha Blackburn, Maria Cantwell, Shelley Moore Capito, Susan Collins, Catherine Cortez-Masto, Tammy Duckworth, Joni Ernst, Dianne Feinstein, Deb Fischer, Kirsten Gillibrand, Maggie Hassan, Mazie Hirono, Amy Klobuchar, Lisa Murkowski, Patty Murray, Jacky Rosen, Jeanne Shaheen, Debbie Stabenow, Tina Smith and Elizabeth Warren.

Only two senators didn’t show, and only one was a Democrat. I give you zero guesses who it was, you should already know. It was Kyrsten Sinema. Fucking bitch.

60 Year Old Rep. David Cicilline Thinks You Should Be Able to Remove Every App From Your Phone

Rebecca Kern, reporting for Bloomberg (for whatever that’s worth):

Cicilline told reporters Wednesday that a proposal prohibiting tech platforms from giving an advantage to their own products over those of competitors would mean Apple must let consumers decide which apps to use or remove.


The bill contains a provision that would prohibit Apple, for example, from restricting or impeding iPhone users from uninstalling apps that have been pre-installed

David Cicilline is a sixty year old single gay man, the only substantial experience he has with technology is searching “NSA young tops” on the Craigslist personals section. Nobody asked him to come up with asinine legislation that would force Apple and other manufacturers to ship phones that allow users to delete every app. Sure, let users delete the phone, or the clock, or the settings app, or the App Store. We’ll see how that goes.

In all seriousness, we do need substantial antitrust legislation in the tech industry, but this is not it. The legislation we need is going to have to be written by people who are capable of understanding the issues at hand (i.e., people who are under 45).

It’s worth pointing out that this story was completely changed by Bloomberg (an outlet with damaged credibility in the first place, especially in the tech sphere); they originally said that the legislation would require Apple to ship iPhones without any apps in the first place. If tech journalists want to be taken seriously in these conversations with politicians, we’re going to need them to be significantly less sloppy.

The Best Time For Apple To Implement End-to-End Encryption for Entire iCloud Accounts Was Years Ago. The Second Best Time Is Now.

I’ve written before about how the government could unjustly subpoena Apple for your iCloud backups to receive a copy of literally everything on your phone at any given moment. I knew the threat was very real, but I was forced to write about it in a mostly hypothetical manner because there wasn’t a great example to point toward. Now, we have an example.

Steve Kovach, writing for CNBC:

Apple said it received a subpoena from a federal grand jury on Feb. 6, 2018. According to Apple, the subpoena requested data that belonged to a seemingly random group of email addresses and phone numbers. Apple said it provided the identifiers it had for some of the requests from the DOJ, but not all of the requests were for Apple customers.

Katie Benner, Nicholas Fandos, Michael S. Schmidt and Adam Goldman, reporting for The New York Times:

All told, the records of at least a dozen people tied to the committee were seized in 2017 and early 2018, including those of Representative Adam B. Schiff of California, then the panel’s top Democrat and now its chairman, according to committee officials and two other people briefed on the inquiry. Representative Eric Swalwell of California said in an interview Thursday night that he had also been notified that his data had been subpoenaed.

Prosecutors, under the beleaguered attorney general, Jeff Sessions, were hunting for the sources behind news media reports about contacts between Trump associates and Russia. Ultimately, the data and other evidence did not tie the committee to the leaks, and investigators debated whether they had hit a dead end and some even discussed closing the inquiry.

Kovach, again:

Because of a nondisclosure order signed by a federal magistrate judge, Apple could not notify the people that their data was subpoenaed. The so-called gag order lifted on May 5, which is why Apple only recently alerted the affected users. According to Apple, the subpoena did not provide details on the nature of the investigation.


Microsoft on Friday told CNBC it received a similar subpoena from the DOJ.

The DOJ doesn’t play fair here. Not only in this specific instance, which was egregious because it represents a Watergate-level instance of a President spying on his political enemies (and at least one member of his own administration, apparently), but in general. At any time, you could receive the same notice from Apple that they had been forced to give the government all your data years ago, and that they’re just now allowed to tell you about it. The Department of Justice has operated with impunity in this arena even before Trump’s corrupt impulses and arm twisting got added into the mix, and they need to be reeled in. The accounts they demanded access to were not government accounts. They were personal iCloud accounts belonging to elected officials, their aides, and even more outrageously, their family members, including their kids.

The DOJ knows this is outrageous, and they don’t like having this conversation. They don’t want you to cause a fuss over your civil liberties or privacy, so they put Apple under a gag order, forbidding them from telling you that they were forced to give the government your data until several years have passed. The incident we’re learning about now actually occurred in 2018, but Apple was just now allowed to inform those whose accounts had been violated. This is egregious. Our elected officials need to hear from us, loud and clear, that despite living in a post-9/11 world and a Facebook surveillance state, we still value our privacy, and are willing to protect it with our votes.

Political pressure may be one of our most effective tools, in fact, because the very small number of tools that are currently available to us are partially effective at best. For example, my suggestion from last year of disabling iCloud backups to safeguard your iMessage decryption key remains useful to protect your messages, but it’s a bit of a hassle and a risk, and it only protects your messages. There’s nothing you can do (besides pulling out of iCloud altogether) to protect data like your photos, notes, voice memos, contacts, your backups, and your iCloud Drive files. But there is something Apple could do.

They need to give us the option to encrypt the entire contents of our iCloud account. Of course, doing that comes with more risk, so they should make sure customers are informed about the risk of data loss and the greater responsibility they would have to protect and maintain their own access to their accounts, and let users opt-in only if they want to. But I bet a lot of users would opt in. Financially, I think Apple could offer this as a free option for customers without much overhead, but they could even charge more for it if they wanted to, whether by rolling it into an iCloud+ tier or charging a separate fee. I’d pay for it, and I’m sure a lot of other people would too, from power users, to privacy advocates, to those working with exceptionally sensitive data. Their most loyal customers and promoters care about this, but Apple currently gives them no good options. Whether it comes down to a paid iCloud service or not, Apple must stand up for their users here.

Perhaps, though, Apple just needed an example; maybe this story about the DOJ (and the gag order expiring) is what they were waiting on. My hope is that they wanted to wait for an incident like this that they could point to to rally public support for end-to-end encrypted iCloud data, despite government objections. It would make some amount of sense, to help sustain themselves (PR-wise and legally) against the gale-force winds that are sure to come from the peeping toms that comprise the law enforcement and investigative communities. It’s basically a redo of the showdown between the Apple and the FBI over the San Bernardino shooter’s iPhone, but with Apple taking a more reactive step forward (whereas last time, they were just refusing to take a step backward). Again, I hope that is the case. And if it is, then Apple needs to know that their customers have their back and will support them through this change and the fight that would ensue.But whether that’s the case or not, we all need to let them know we’re concerned about government overreach, and that we want the option to have ALL the contents of our iCloud accounts protected by end-to-end encryption. Feel free to whip something up yourself, or copy and paste the prompt below into Apple’s iCloud Feedback portal.

Hi. I’m reaching out because I’m concerned about the extreme government overreach we’ve recently learned about regarding subpoenaed iCloud account data. I don’t think it’s right that a government agency can seize private user data without permission or notice.

I’m concerned that there’s no truly secure way to use iCloud. I want the option to have ALL of my iCloud data (including backups, contacts, photos, and everything else) protected by end-to-end encryption. Privacy is a fundamental human right, and Apple users value that right. I believe Apple truly values that right as well, and that’s why I’m hopeful that you’ll soon provide users with an option to protect all of their data with end-to-end encryption.

Trump’s Blog Is Dead After Less Than A Month

Kevin Breuninger, reporting for CNBC:

Former President Donald Trump’s blog — a webpage where he shared statements after larger social media companies banned him from their platforms — has been permanently shut down, his spokesman said Wednesday.

The page “From the Desk of Donald J. Trump” has been scrubbed from Trump’s website after going live less than a month earlier.

It “will not be returning,” his senior aide Jason Miller told CNBC.

I’m shocked that this didn’t take off. I mean, it’s not like Trump only acquired an audience because the type of people who wanted to listen to him prefer short, incendiary tweets and were seemingly allergic to any sort of long-form reading. He should write another book, I’m sure his base of voracious readers would tear through a several hundred page volume with glee.

Dan Pfeifer makes an excellent point about this from a largely unconsidered angle on Thursday’s episode of Pod Save America, taking aim at Facebook:

It is a massive indictment of Facebook in particular, because their argument always is that “this is the content people want, we’re just serving it up to you.” But here you have: Trump has content, he’s off Facebook, and no one is going to get it. And so what that shows is that it’s not that Facebook is giving people what they want, Facebook is giving people something pretty dangerous that they think they want. And that has had a very alarming, radicalizing effect on the American people.


Biden Announces Free Beer For Getting Vaccinated

President Joe Biden, giving remarks on the White House’s partnerships in the ongoing COVID-19 vaccination effort:

Anheuser-Busch announced that beer is on them on July the 4th. That’s right, get a shot and have a beer. Free beer for everyone 21 years or over to celebrate the independence from the virus.

What an absolute bro.

Now get your shots, you filthy animal.

Remember the other guy? He wanted you to drink bleach; what a contrast.