A Potentially Fatal Floridian Flaw

Patricia Mazzei, for The New York Times:

The Florida Supreme Court overturned decades of legal precedent on Monday in ruling that the State Constitution’s privacy protections do not extend to abortion, effectively allowing Florida to ban the procedure after six weeks of pregnancy.

But in a separate decision released at the same time, the justices allowed Florida voters to decide this fall whether to expand abortion access. The court ruled 4 to 3 that a proposed constitutional amendment that would guarantee the right to abortion “before viability,” usually around 24 weeks, could go on the November ballot.

Florida taking away people’s rights isn’t the interesting part here: the thing to watch is the ballot measure that could guarantee abortion access in the state. Across the country, abortion access has consistently driven turnout, even in very red states. The fact that this is on the ballot this fall should be a boon to democrats. There’s no way to know if it will be enough, but coupled with the fact that Florida also has a ballot initiative to legalize recreation marijuana… Man, wouldn’t it just be delectable if Trump lost the election (again) because his home state of Florida (shout to to DeSanctimonious, who seems like the biggest high-heel-wearing loser in the country) voted to legalize weed and protect abortion access after his stacked court overturned Roe.