On Iran and israel

From CNN’s coverage of the conflict in the middle east:

Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Monday the US has spent the past 36 hours “coordinating a diplomatic response to seek to prevent escalation” following a retaliatory Iranian attack on Israel this weekend.

“Strength and wisdom need to be different sides of the same coin,” Blinken said in a seemingly implicit call for Israel to exercise restraint in its response. Blinken noted he has been in contact with counterparts in the region “and will continue to do so in the hours and days ahead.”

“We don’t seek escalation but will continue to support the defense of Israel and protect our personnel in the region,” Blinken said in his first public comments about the attack this weekend.

Why? We shouldn’t. They attacked another country’s sovereign territory, we defended them completely (for some reason) when that country shot back, and now they act like they’re the tough guys, even though they always come crying to daddy for more money.

As CNN reported, President Joe Biden told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that the US would not participate in offensive moves against Iran.


But, he added that "what this weekend demonstrated is that Israel did not have to and does not have to defend itself alone when it is the victim of aggression, the victim of an attack."

Couldn’t care less.

israel is a shit ally and an illegitimate nation, and we shouldn’t support them in any way, much less continuing to support their arrogant, dehumanizing, dictatorial antagonization of their neighbors.

This all really makes me wonder why the U.S. (or any developed nation) cares so much. Can we just hurry up with the transition to clean energy and leave the caveboys to fight in the sandbox alone? The whole conflict, for decades if not centuries, has been a waste of the world’s time.