About Broc.ink

Hello and welcome!

At its core, Broc.ink is a blog written by me, Broc Gantt. The content you’ll find on here focuses on technology, politics, pop culture, social issues, and other relevant or interesting topics. My articles are often highly analytical in nature, and I pride myself on providing independent and well informed opinions on current events, distillations of complex topics for readers who want the baby without the labor, and occasionally some original reporting.

The Broc.ink business model doesn’t rely on the type of abusive, privacy invasive, cross-site tracking and advertising that so many websites use to monetize their content. Instead, we rely on reader contributions and rare, curated advertisements that are 100% respectful of our readers’ privacy and do not track you. If you enjoy the high quality content offered on Broc.ink and appreciate the ethics of our business model, consider making a donation to support our work!

Our History

Broc.ink was born out of a project started by myself and a few friends in April of 2019, which we called CopyrightBro.com. The goal of CopyrightBro was to give us an outlet to discuss and report on issues we cared about, across a range of topics, relevant to local and national audiences. We wanted to provide a space for our thoughts that readers could access easily and for free, without having to rely on any other platforms or services. Previously, we had been using Facebook to share our pieces with readers, but after a few dozen too many privacy and security debacles, we decided to delete our Facebook accounts and transition to a website based model where we could own and control all of our own writing.

Given the crazy nature of life during a global pandemic and economic recession, several founding members of CopyrightBro.com made the difficult decision to focus on other professional endeavors. It was at this point that CopyrightBro made the transition to become Broc.ink.

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