Out-of-Control Web Advertising in the AI Age

After reading three or four bullshit, AI-written articles (the sort which detail the specifics of your question ad nauseam without ever answering it) while searching for the answer to what I thought was a straightforward query (‘can I read books on my Kindle through the digital library service ‘hoopla” (the answer is ‘no,’ btw)), I stumbled upon this gem of an “article.” Note that there are as many gaudy ads above the fold as there are words of actual content, and this is AFTER dismissing a full-screen popup ad.

The web developers who build these sites not only have no capacity to balance profit with design, they seem to genuinely loathe their readers. Web hosts, CDNs, and ISPs should really start looking into sites like this and refusing to service them, for the sake of their own reputations. I’m surprised Cloudflare would support such undeniable web litter like this in any manner.