Mitch McConnell Wants To Stop Blue State COVID-19 BailOuts

A header from one of McConnell’s recent press releases on was titled “On Stopping Blue State Bailouts”; the section went on the detail how Mitch McConnell was taking a “you made your bed, lie in it” approach to dealing with states with Democratic leaders, even though blue states are no more responsible for this pandemic than red states. In reality, what happened was our Commander in Cheeto lied to us at bedtime and tucked us in while assuring us everything was okay, despite the fact that many of us smelled the smoke issuing from the blaze in the other room (a blaze Trump was briefed on months ahead of time). McConnell’s notion that Democrats are responsible for dealing with this on their own in the states they lead is absurd. If the house burns down, we all go with it.

As things often do with Moscow Mitch, this boils down to shameless partisanship. This particular instance further illustrates how dangerously greedy McConnell is, and shows, yet again, that he is far more concerned with protecting the powerful elites of the Republican party than he is with protecting the citizens of this country, and he’s not above holding political grudges and using policy disagreements as a basis to sabotage relief efforts for states with Democratic leaders.

🇺🇸 United States: 0

🦠 COVID-19: 8

Here’s the thing though, just because a state has a Democratic governor doesn’t mean they have Democratic senators, and the Republican Party only holds control of the senate by three seats. If Mitch isn’t careful, he could cost some of his buddies their jobs, and ultimately lose his position as Majority Leader in the process, if not lose his own seat.

Fortunately, if you’re tired of Moscow Mitch, you can do something about it. There’s never been a better time, so I would encourage everyone to donate to Vote Save America’s “Get Mitch or Die Trying” fund, which funnels donations to the campaigns most well positioned to win seats away from the Republican Party and take away their Senate majority.

Check out CopyrightBro’s COVID-19 coverage roundup.