Lindsey Graham: Party Over Precedent, Party Over Penis, Party Over People

You don’t even have to be convicted of a crime to lose your job in this constitutional republic if this body determines that your conduct as a public official is clearly out of bounds in your role, because impeachment is not about punishment, impeachment is about cleansing the office. Impeachment is about restoring honor and integrity to the office.

— Lindsey Graham, 1998

Despite that rock solid position he took the last time a President was facing impeachment, Graham seems to have no issue with the fact that Trump refused to comply with congressional subpoenas, directly impeding their constitutional power of impeachment, saying that the whole process is “illegitimate”, and based on hearsay”.

This is unabashed hypocrisy; Lindsey Graham is an embarrassment to the people of South Carolina, and his electorate — Democrats, moderates, and Republicans, alike — all deserve better. Anyone who voted for him, even just a handful of years ago, certainly shouldn’t feel like they’re being well represented; the man is flimsier and more of a flip flop than those pretend shoes women wear out of the salon after getting pedicures.

I’m not even from South Carolina and this man makes my blood boil; it’s high time that he crawls into a hole in the ground. Speaking of which, the inside of a hole would at least be a nice change of scenery over the inside of the closet within which he has dug his heels. To be clear, I won’t ridicule him for his sexuality (which many presume is of the homosexual variety, despite his laughable insistence to the contrary), but I will ridicule him for being such a craven that flimsy political power granted by his homophobic base is enough for him to ignore the innate desire we all have to connect with other human beings on the most deeply personal level. What kind of unfeeling person would chose such a life? Not one I would chose to represent me, certainly, if he lacks the basic courage to lead an honest personal life. Lindsey, if you’re reading this: just go for it man, you’ll feel much better, and I’m sure there are plenty of conscience-lacking twinks out there who would jump at the chance to be your live-in boyfriend/sugar baby.

Further instances of Graham’s cowardice and hypocrisy are not hard to find: take, for example, his complete switch from boisterous critic to unshakable supporter of our Commander in Cheeto. What has Trump threatened him with to inspire such a drastic change of opinion since 2016?

He was, at one point, a staunch critic of Trump’s border wall and immigration plan, calling them “stupid”, “illegal”, and “not practical”. Fast forward two years, and he’s telling Trump to proceed in building the wall without congressional approval:

Examples of Graham’s hypocrisy regarding Donald Trump alone are plentiful, and while this certainly lends itself to the theory that Trump has him by the balls, the truth, most likely, isn't that Trump has dirt on Graham, but rather that Graham is just disgustingly committed to upholding the status quo. His short-lived run for President was a weak power grab, and evolved into a poor attempt to save the Republican establishment from Donald Trump. Now that Trump has entranced a large swath of Republican voters, Graham will say anything to remain in his good graces. He has no shame. He puts party above all else, no matter how the party shifts or how often it results in his foot in his mouth.

It must be nice at times, not having a spine; you could weasel your way into all sorts of dark, uncomfortable places. If you’ve got some extra cash laying around, throw it at Jaime Harrison, a South Carolinian running a strong campaign for Graham’s Senate seat in 2020.

PoliticsGuest Userdecember19