Crunch Time

Just about everyone in America realizes that this election is going to have massive consequences for our country for decades to come. What a lot of people don’t realize is that as of today, there are only three weeks left until the end of the election. It’s time to rally.

The polls look good right now (I’m knocking on wood, trust me), but things can always change and the stakes are too high to take our eye off the ball. There are a variety of ways for you to get involved and help Joe Biden and Kamala Harris snag a dub (as well as other candidates down the ballot), and it’s time to kick it into high gear.

The first and easiest way is to donate. South Carolina Senate challenger Jaime Harrison’s campaign actually set a record for the most money raised in a quarter by a senate challenger, but that record could galvanize big Republican donors with millions of dollars to spare hoping to keep Lindsey Graham and other slimy Republicans in power. Now is the time to donate, if you have the extra cash; we can’t afford to cede any fundraising ground. Click here to donate to Joe Biden or here to donate to the most competitive Senate races.

Now is also the time to be talking to your friends to make sure they have a plan to vote early. Get the word out and make sure the people around you know what they need to do. In 2016, Donald Trump won one state by just two votes per precinct. TWO VOTES!!!

I’m usually not one to encourage social media use, but we also need to be sharing lots of pro-Biden and pro-democrat content. Everyone already has their mind made up about whether they like Trump or not, but they may not have decided yet whether they think it’s worth their time to vote for Biden. We need to be spreading content that highlights his humanity and his plans, creating a marked contrast with Donald Trump’s campaign of aimless vitriol.

You should also be volunteering: you do things like calling and texting voters, or you could sign up to work at a polling place.

We have the power to change the course of American history and kick Trump and his cronies out of office before their weakness and corruption cause more harm to our democracy, we just have to use that power. Now is the time.

PoliticsBroc Ganttoctober20