Big Brother, Ellen, and Alexa: Sitting in a Tree?

Well, this article from Tiffany FitzHenry is really something. There’s a lot of information to process here, and while FitzHenry does offer a lot more evidence to support her claims that Ellen is in cahoots with the C.I.A. than I would’ve believed possible, I’m still left with more questions than answers.

Maybe I’m the only one who wasn’t paying attention back in 2013 when this news first broke, but the fact that the C.I.A. has a $600 million contract with Amazon is terrifying. It’s allegedly for cloud services via Amazon Web Services, but still, Amazon seems quite eager to appease the C.I.A., and as FitzHenry suggests, we would be foolish to believe that the C.I.A. has no interest in the massive amount of data Amazon posses about their customers. I’ve long been skeptical of Amazon’s Alexa products, and my position remains firm: only a fool would put an Alexa device in their home.