A Problem That Runs Deeper Than Presidential Candidates

This article titled My Mayor Pete Problem from The New Republic is fucking disgusting, and they were wrong to allow it to be published in the first place. People are saying that the best way to deal with it is by not acknowledging it, therefore limiting the number of people who read it, but I disagree. I think everyone should read it so they know what a gross human being this author is, and never make the mistake of giving any weight to his opinions.

The author, Dale Peck, is the type of gay who simultaneously bases his entire personality around his sexuality and also loathes himself for it. Based on this gross article, he probably hates himself more than every closeted frat guy in the SEC, combined. He seems to think that his sexuality gives him credibility to talk about others’, as if his own sexual attraction to men provides him with any meaningful insight into any other man’s character. He paints with a broad brush, and almost every aspect of his analysis is based on conjecture. He completely devalues Buttigieg’s military service and makes disgusting, homophobic assumptions about his specific sexual preferences; the whole piece was so offensively left that it seemed right-wing. It doesn’t get much slimier than this.

Funny enough, he begins the article with an anecdote describing how he has been unnecessarily hateful and cruel for the past 30 years. Gays like this are the absolute worst, and they’re the reason why so many men who are attracted to men want absolutely nothing to do with the “gay community”: it seems like the more involved in the gay community a man is, the more likely he is to be catty and dramatic, to be self-hating and self-aggrandizing, and to treat others with cruelty for the sake of his own entertainment and for a boost to his perpetually ebbing and flowing ego. Dale Peck may have a problem with Mayor Pete, but every self-respecting man who is attracted to men should have a problem with people like Dale Peck.